
Feeling Lost and where to start


How I felt and still feel sometimes and what helps me get out of this rut.

Do you know this urge in the back of your head to start a project and it has been there for a very long time? Something you really wanna do and you think about it a lot? You know that? This burning fire inside you about a specific topic you could talk about for hours? Man it would be great to put this burning fire and passion into a project. 
But you never start? 
You always have something you need to do first, like work or studying or just something simple like bringing the trash out and reorganizing your kitchen for the 5th time this month.
Yeah that’s me. I wanted to start this blog for a very long time, but I always found something more important to do. I tried it once, a year ago, but the process of building a website…man it’s hard and i consider myself a perfectionist which doesn’t make the process easier. Let’s keep it short – I failed.

Just Start… 2.0

All beginnings are difficult, that’s nothing new. For a long time I had the desire to create a website or an Instagram account. For various

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Just start

Do you know this urge in the back of your head to start a project and it has been there for a very long time?

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